Welcome to the ETPA Diversity Business Alliance page. The Diversity Business Alliance is a group of dedicated ETPA member agencies which collaborate to support member agencies in promoting the use of companies that are small, minority-owned, woman-owned, service-disabled veteran-owned, or owned by persons with disabilities, also referred to as Diversity Business Enterprises or DBE’s.
In 2019, the Alliance held the 1st annual Diversity Business Expo. The expo provides opportunities for DBE’s to meet face-to-face with agency decision makers such as warehouse clerks, maintenance employees, p-card holders, and buyers who have small dollar threshold purchasing authority. The Alliance continues to host the Diversity Business Expo in even-number years and facilitates other initiatives to support DBEs in odd-numbered years.
Currently, the alliance includes representatives from Blount County, City of Chattanooga, City of Knoxville, Hamilton County, Hamilton County Schools, Knox County, Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority,Knoxville Utility Board, Knoxville’s Community Development Corporation, Public Building Authority,Tennessee Board of Regents, Tennessee Valley Authority, The University of Tennessee.
We invite all ETPA member agencies to partner with us to support diversity business enterprises in East Tennessee. To learn more, contact our co-chairs Pamela Cotham at 865-215-4032, or by email at
Email Pamela, or Karen Binkley at 865-974-2765, or by email at
Email Karen.